Fenbendazole and Metastatic Cancer: the 2021 Stanford University Case Series

What is the "Stanford Fenbendazole Protocol"? I bet you've never heard of the "Stanford Fenbendazole Protocol" for treating Cancer. Yet, it exists. But it's heavily suppressed by search engines and mainstream Oncology, especially in the United States and Canada. In 2021 a group at Stanford University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, published a Case Series (Clin. Oncol. Case Rep 2021)* on a "forbidden" repurposed drug, Fenbendazole. *Note: Clinical Oncology Case Reports is a peer-reviewed International clinical and medical oncology and cancer research Journal. Clinical Oncology Case Reports (COCR) is a high-impact multidisciplinary journal focus on the area of clinical and medical investigation. They wrote about 3 cases of Stage 4 Cancer patients who self-treated and cured their cancers. Case 1: 63 year old man with a Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma (clear cell) , a 5.3cm mass and mets to pancreas and bone, failed 3 lines of chemo. He ...