Find Oncologists

Find Oncologists (Cancer Specialists) in USA

The Find an Oncologist Database is made available by ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) as an informational resource for patients and caregivers. The database includes the names of physicians and other health professionals from certain ASCO membership categories who have given their permission to be identified publicly: Find a Cancer Doctor

Find Oncologists (Cancer Specialists) in USA

World's Best Cancer Hospitals 2024-2025

Information is a powerful tool when you or someone you love is facing an important health care decision, especially one that requires selecting a hospital or care team. 

Find Integrative Oncologists in USA, Mexico, Europe or Asia

Find integrative oncologists in USA > National Directory of Integrative Oncology Providers.

Find integrative oncologists in USA, Mexico, Europe or Asia > find integrative oncologists by Heal Navigator.

Cancer survivor Nancy Novack has compiled a list of integrative professionals of all types. Search according to your interests.  > Directory of Integrative Practitioners and Healing Centers

Look for the “Display only FABNO” button to look for a naturopathic physician board certified in naturopathic oncology > Find a naturopathic doctor near you

This center offers a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine and an IHeLp (Integrative Health and Lifestyle) program, and you can search among graduates. Search for “Oncology” in the list of specialties > Directory of graduates.

A list of clinics (positioned on the Google map) offering local Hyperthermia and various intravenous treatments around the world Check this map to find a clinic close to your location by MCS Formulas.

Note: While the term "alternative" might suggest opposition to conventional oncology, we prefer using "complementary," "integrated," or "holistic." These terms better capture the role of these approaches as part of a personalized, value-added menu of strategies designed to provide the most effective and safe solutions for patients. The focus is not on choosing one strategy over another but on combining all available approaches to achieve the best possible outcome.

FLCCC Observational Cancer Study: Participating Providers

1. Health and Healing: Kathleen T. Ruddy, MD

Dr. Ruddy is a retired cancer surgeon trained at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. During her 28 years in practice, she took care of more than 10,000 patients in the United States and abroad. She has a Masters degree in International Healthcare Leadership from McGill University. She served on the Leadership Council of the Harvard School of Public Health and was deeply involved in mobilizing international support for West Africa during the outbreak of Ebola in 2014. Dr. Ruddy authored the first book about the human breast cancer virus, The End of Breast Cancer: A Virus and the Hope for a Vaccine. She is now a scientific investigator in an observational study whose objective is to answer the question, "Do repurposed, FDA-approved drugs like ivermectin improve the survival of patients with cancer?"

Telemedicine Appointments Only. 

  • (201) 323-2288
Address: 46 Green Village Road, Madison, New Jersey 07940

2. Leading Edge Clinic

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Scott Marsland, FNP-C

The Leading Edge Clinic, led by Pierre Kory and Scott Marsland, offers specialized evaluation and individualized treatment plans for COVID-19, Long COVID, COVID vaccine injury syndromes, General medicine and Integrated conventional complementary cancer treatment via telehealth. Our care is based on deep scientific study, national and global clinical practice experience, and compassion to meet the whole-person needs of patients.

Telemedicine Appointments Only. 

  • Tisha Palmer, Practice Manager 
  • Register as a patient and fill out intake forms at New tab 
  • (608) 400-0141 
Address: 213 Tioga St, #6834, Ithaca, New York 14851-9997

3. The James Clinic: Mollie James, DO, MPH, FACOS FACS, IFMCP

Dr. James is board certified in general surgery and critical care medicine. She trained at Mercy Medical Center-Des Moines and the University of Minnesota. After practicing for five years, she realized she needed additional tools to help her patients. Functional medicine was the answer. She combined functional medicine into her surgery practice for patients with GI issues presenting for endoscopy and it had immediate benefit to patients. The James Clinic was launched to fulfill the unmet needs of patients, which became even more obvious during 2020. Providing convenient, accessible care and a direct physician-patient relationship without conflicts of interest. 

In-person & Telemedicine Appointments. 

  • (636) 751-9440 
Address: 934 North 7th Street, Chariton, Iowa 50049
States: AR, IA, IL, KY, MI, MO, NC, OK

More information about the Study:

Scam and Fraud Alert

Dr William Makis posted this alert on X/Twitter (Jan 2025):

There are many SCAMS now using my photos on Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram. I am NOT on any of these platforms! I also don't have a website. 

You can only reach me via: 

Any other variation of this email is a fraud.

How to choose a cancer centre or cancer specialist 

One of the things people with cancer often say is that everyone they know seems to have something to recommend drink this, take that, see this person who does this amazing therapy, stop eating that stuff, start eating this. It can be overwhelming.

The great danger is that cancer patients then try to do too much, taking a bit of everything. A touch of panic can set in, a fear that they might be missing something. They are at their most vulnerable a time when they can be ’sold’ the quack therapies of the unscrupulous.

That is why we recommend that you find a practitioner / clinic where you can get an integrated programme under the guidance of one dedicated specialist, who is a real professional with experience of your cancer.

What is Integrative Oncology?

Integrative medicine combines conventional Western medicine with complementary and alternative treatments that have been researched and proven to be safe and effective in healing. Integrative oncology uses integrative medicine as part of standard cancer care.

"Integrative oncology is a practice where we use lifestyle medicine like dietary modifications, stress reduction, exercise, supplements and mind-body practices," says Stacy D'Andre, M.D., a Mayo Clinic medical and integrative oncologist. "We combine all of these practices to help our cancer patients improve quality of life and hopefully improve treatment outcomes, as well."

Integrative oncology is a patient-centered, evidence-based field of cancer care that utilizes mind and body practices, natural products, and/or lifestyle modifications from different traditions alongside conventional cancer treatments. Integrative oncology aims to optimize health, quality of life, and clinical outcomes across the cancer care continuum and to empower people to prevent cancer and become active participants before, during, and beyond cancer treatment.

integrative oncology

But which - or who do you choose? 

First of all, you could begin by treating all of the clinics and specialists listed as though you are interviewing them for a very important position (which is, in fact, exactly what you are doing!)

Then there are some key questions to be asked.

  1. How many patients have been treated with your sort of cancer at the level and stage of your cancer?

  2. What have the results been?  You need specifics on this, for example, how many patients are still being monitored/checked in on?  How long have they been monitored for? What kind of regime did they do? 

  3. When the programme hasn’t worked, what have the factors been that led to that?

  4. How long do I need to do this programme for?

  5. How easy is it to do at home?

  6. Will I need help to do it at home?

  7. How much will it all cost? Factor in consultancy fees, travel, cost of supplements and different treatments over the time you might be doing the programme.

  8. Do you LIKE the practitioner and feel you could have a good relationship with them?  It’s really important that you trust the person/organisation and their style of working fits well with yours. 

  9. Do they have anyone they could refer you to to discuss their experience?  This is especially important if you are going abroad for your treatment.  Finding someone at home who has been there and done it can be very reassuring.

Some people have found it helpful to get a friend or two to do the initial checking out.  Then you can compare the information you get before making your own personal contact. 

Read More: This article is part of the Winning the War on Cancer series.


New & Improved Joe Tippens Protocol

The holy grail turbo cancer cure may just be the synergistic combination therapy of Fenbendazole AND Ivermectin as per a large sampling of high quality research studies:
Update: Please note that this protocol now includes the vital Vitamin D addition, with the one day off for the fenbendazole administration. This protocol represents the most comprehensive and cutting edge repurposed drug and vitamin treatment approach to date.


  1. Hi Dr. Yap - this is fabulous information - what is your background and do you do consultations?


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