Find Oncologists

Find Oncologists (Cancer Specialists) in USA

The Find an Oncologist Database is made available by ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) as an informational resource for patients and caregivers. The database includes the names of physicians and other health professionals from certain ASCO membership categories who have given their permission to be identified publicly: Find a Cancer Doctor

World's Best Cancer Hospitals 2024

Information is a powerful tool when you or someone you love is facing an important health care decision, especially one that requires selecting a hospital or care team. That's why Newsweek has partnered with global research firm Statista to rank the world's best specialized hospitals. 

The ranking of World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2024 features the top 300 hospitals for oncology:

Find Integrative Oncologists

What is Integrative Oncology? Integrative oncology is a patient-centered, evidence-based field of cancer care that utilizes mind and body practices, natural products, and/or lifestyle modifications from different traditions alongside conventional cancer treatments. Integrative oncology aims to optimize health, quality of life, and clinical outcomes across the cancer care continuum and to empower people to prevent cancer and become active participants before, during, and beyond cancer treatment.

integrative oncology


Click here to find integrative oncologists.

How to choose a cancer centre or cancer specialist 

One of the things people with cancer often say is that everyone they know seems to have something to recommend drink this, take that, see this person who does this amazing therapy, stop eating that stuff, start eating this.  It can be overwhelming.

The great danger is that cancer patients then try to do too much, taking a bit of everything. A touch of panic can set in, a fear that they might be missing someting. They are at their most vulnerable a time when they can be ’sold’ the quack therapies of the unscrupulous.

That is why we recommend that you find a practitioner / clinic where you can get an integrated programme under the guidance of one dedicated specialist, who is a real professional with experience of your cancer.

But which - or who do you choose? 

First of all, you could begin by treating all of the clinics and specialists listed as though you are interviewing them for a very important position (which is, in fact, exactly what you are doing!)

Then there are some key questions to be asked.

  1. How many patients have been treated with your sort of cancer at the level and stage of your cancer?

  2. What have the results been?  You need specifics on this, for example, how many patients are still being monitored/checked in on?  How long have they been monitored for? What kind of regime did they do? 

  3. When the programme hasn’t worked, what have the factors been that led to that?

  4. How long do I need to do this programme for?

  5. How easy is it to do at home?

  6. Will I need help to do it at home?

  7. How much will it all cost? Factor in consultancy fees, travel, cost of supplements and different treatments over the time you might be doing the programme.

  8. Do you LIKE the practitioner and feel you could have a good relationship with them?  It’s really important that you trust the person/organisation and their style of working fits well with yours. 

  9. Do they have anyone they could refer you to to discuss their experience?  This is especially important if you are going abroad for your treatment.  Finding someone at home who has been there and done it can be very reassuring.

Some people have found it helpful to get a friend or two to do the initial checking out.  Then you can compare the information you get before making your own personal contact. 



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