
Showing posts from 2024

Fenbendazole vs Ivermectin for Cancer: What's the Difference?

In recent years, unconventional drugs like Fenbendazole and Ivermectin have gained popularity as alternative forms of treatment for cancer. We’ve broken down the essential things you need to know about these medications for cancer in humans. What Is Ivermectin? Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug used to treat various parasite infections in humans, but it can also be used to treat other health conditions like river blindness, onchocerciasis, intestinal strongyloidiasis, and onchocerciasis. What Is Fenbendazole? Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole that offers a wide spectrum anthelmintic effect. It is a dewormer medication used to treat parasites in dogs and cats. Some common names for Fenbendazole are Panacur® and Safe-Guard®. The Role of Ivermectin in Cancer Several clinical trials have been done to prove the effectiveness of Ivermectin against cancer cells with low enough dosages to be non-toxic to the normal cells. Research suggests that Ivermectin suppresses the growth and spread of c

The Truth About Colonoscopy: Be informed before giving consent (Part 1)

Colonoscopy is the most commonly used method to screen for colon cancer, which is said to account for around 10% of all cancers globally. It is second leading cause of cancer death in men and women [combined] in the U.S.   As of 2020 , approximately 69% of adults aged 50 to 75 years have had a least one colonoscopy, representing 62.3 million people. Colon cancer is usually diagnosed when a person is in their 60s and it is more common in African Americans. For more stats about colon cancer  go here. A Short History of Colonoscopes The first fiberoptic colonoscope was developed by Drs. William Wolff and Hiromi Shinya of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City in 1969. This was a huge leap forward over a rigid pipe, called a sigmoidoscope, previously used to peer into the rectum of patients who had signs of cancer. The flexible scope allows the practitioner to examine the entire length of the colon. By 1973, more than 5,000 colonoscopies had been performed, demonstrating the utility a

Integrative Oncology Treatment Directory and Resource Page

POPULAR Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  (HBOT) Low cellular oxygen levels are a critical trademark of solid tumors. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy entails breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized, controlled environment. The air pressure during this treatment is 1.5 times higher than normal air pressure. This results in oxygenating the blood and tissues throughout the body, which can help fight bacteria and promote healing. Scientific evidence suggests hyperbaric oxygen is safe for cancer patients to use. Furthermore, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has tumor-inhibitory effects on cancer. Treatment use: Patients are recommended to use this 60-minute treatment based on doctors’ recommendations. It is recommended to open and close the mouth several times when pressurizing and depressurizing the chamber.     Hyperthermia  Therapy Hyperthermia is defined as raising the temperature of the whole body or a part of the body above normal for a defined period of time. Scientific evidence shows hyperthermia may sh